Nephrotic Syndrome Trust (NeST)

Please kindly consider jumping for our charity because Nephrotic Syndrome is a serious debilitating kidney condition that affects around 10,000 people in the UK each year, many are young children. If you’ve got Nephrotic Syndrome the filters in your kidneys are ‘leaky’ which results in the transfer of protein from your blood to your urine. This can lead to infection, thrombosis, low levels of vitamin D, and anaemia. First signs and symptoms are puffiness around the eyes, oedema around the ankles and abdomen and frothy urine. For some people sadly they will go into kidney failure and need a kidney transplant. Transplants are often successful, but tragically over 50% will have re-occurrence of NS in new kidney. It’s important to support us as we are a small charity which receives no government funding and totally reliant on the public to help support vital research which takes place at Bristol University laboratories to find a cure. Please help us! Thank you!